Tuesday, January 12, 2016

BlackBerry moving completely to Android in 2016

Following the moderate commercial success and generally positive reception of its latest Priv smartphone, BlackBerry has announced that it is going all-in as far as Android is concerned. Company CEO John Chen confirmed in an interview at CES that all BlackBerry smartphones launched this year will run Google's operating system.

One could say this move has been a long time coming, and it's better late than never. Once an industry juggernaut, BlackBerry has struggled for a good part of the last decade to find favor with new users, who care increasingly less about BlackBerry's core strengths in enterprise and security and more about things like apps and games, something the now distinctly long in tooth BlackBerry OS was never good at. The move to Android has already won the company some brownie points in the past few weeks so it's good to see the company continue down that road.

Chen refused to comment on the availability and details of the upcoming devices.


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